Thursday: The Miracle of Purim

Daily Lesson for Thursday 21st of December 2023

Commentators for millennia have noticed that God’s name does not appear in the book of Esther. This is the only biblical book where such a phenomenon occurs. However, the Jews were able to recognize God’s actions in the great deliverance made for them, and this book was selected by God’s people to be included in the canon of the Bible.

Are we able to discover the presence of God beneath the surface of our daily life? God’s actions can take the appearance of normal, natural events, and if we don’t pay careful attention to them, we will not notice God’s presence.

Read Esther 9:1-12. What was the result of Esther’s effort?


The miracle of Purim takes a very unusual form. The miracle is hidden, disguised in apparently natural events. The law to destroy the Jews was not reversed, but a new law was written, allowing the Jews to defend themselves.

Also, notice what else had happened, and how God was able to work through these events. The Persians noticed God’s actions on behalf of the Jews.

And the result?

“Many people of other nationalities became Jews” (Esther 8:17, NIV). This is a great example of how the Lord was able to work to bring lost souls to a knowledge of Him.

The leaders of the Jewish people recognized the working of God. When the Jews were victorious in defending themselves, they declared a yearly time (called Purim) in remembrance and celebration of their victory. These days are still traditionally spent in thanksgiving to God in remembrance of His deliverance.

Challenge: Pray that God will give you the courage to share something He has done for you with one of the people on your prayer list this week.


Challenge Up: Begin a diary or journal of special little things (or big things) that God does for you. Review it and pray that God will bring these things to your mind at just the right time so you can share them with someone.


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