The Saviour’s commission lays upon the church the task of heralding the gospel to all the world. This also places upon each individual member the responsibility of giving the message of salvation to as many others as possible. The Saviour “gave authority to His servants, and to every man his work.”
He appointed a meeting with His eleven disciples after His resurrection for the purpose of giving them counsel and encouragement, and at that time He gave the gospel commission to the disciples and to the assembled church, numbering more than five hundred brethren. That was the first outreach (missionary) meeting of the Christian church; it was certainly not to be the last.
As a permanent and definite part of the services of the Christian church, the outreach (missionary) meeting bears the divine endorsement for all time. Through the Spirit of Prophecy we are told: “God has committed to our hands a most sacred work, and we need to meet together to receive instruction, that we may be fitted to perform this work.” Testimonies, vol. 6, p. 32. (Italics supplied.)
Times of Meetings The first Sabbath of the month is generally recognized as Church Outreach (Missionary) Sabbath. The worship service of this Sabbath is focused on lay evangelism, but other departments besides the Personal Ministries Department may also have opportunity on these special days to present their interests. This will be done, however, by careful counsel with the departments concerned.
Supplying Literature on the Sabbath It is generally recognized that the Sabbath affords the most opportune time for the Personal Ministries secretary to place literature in the hands of the members.